
Impact of Military Deployment on Family Relationships

The purpose of this study was to investigate how an active duty member's increased time away from home (deployments, temporary duty assignments, and trainings) affects family stress as reported by the dependent spouse.

Lowe, K. N.
Adams, K. S.
Browne, B. L.
Hinkle, K. T.

Impact of Combat Deployment on Psychological and Relationship Health: A Longitudinal Study

Survey data of members of the U.S. Air Force security forces assigned to a year-long high-threat ground mission in Iraq were used to determine the degree to which Airmen’s emotional and behavioral health and committed relationships were adversely impacted by an extended deployment to a warzone.

Cigrang, J. A.
Talcot, G. W.
Tatum, J.
Baker, M.
Cassidy, D.
Sonnek, S.
Slep, A. M. S.