Positive youth development is a strengths-based approach that describes how youth’s experiences and relationships promote assets which enable them to thrive in their environment. (12, 13)
Learn MoreInterpersonal communication is defined as an exchange of messages to generate shared meanings and accomplish goals. (15)
Learn MoreInterpersonal communication reflects individuals’ thoughts and feelings, as well as the norms and values associated with their family and peer group, cognitive abilities, age, culture, gender, and the broader society in which the communication occurs. (51)
Learn MoreResearch has shown that youth who are able to engage in open, honest, and supportive communication with peers and parents have better mental health (91) and engage in more prosocial behaviors (92) and less at-risk behaviors. (93)
Learn MoreMotivational interviewing is a person-centered approach to engage individuals in conversations about changing behaviors. (109)
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InstructionsIn this series of workshops, youth program staff will learn skills that build on one another in a specific sequence. We recommend you complete the workshops in the following order: |
WorkshopsWorkshops are related to various topics in the Effective Communication and Positive Youth Development Training and are intended to be used by youth program managers or training staff to introduce the concepts to program staff. The workshops could be delivered over a series of lunch seminars where a manager leads an activity each week, during a quiet programming season, or over a training weekend. However it is done, the Workshops are a set of strategies intended to help staff understand the importance of effective communication and working with youth. |