The modules within the Positive Youth Development course were developed out of a thorough review of the literature on the topic as it relates to adolescent growth and development. The research review for each topic is provided as a way to further assist program staff to understand the concepts and the research behind each of the online modules.
Research Reviews
Module 1: Introduction to Positive Youth Development
Module 2: Physical and Psychological Safety
Module 3: Supportive Relationships
Module 4: Opportunities to Belong
Module 5: Positive Social Norms
Module 6: Appropriate Structure
Module 7: Support for Efficacy and Mattering
Module 8: Opportunities for Skill Building
Module 9: Integration of Family, School, and Community Efforts
A fact sheet for each positive youth development topic is provided to further breakdown the research into key points and takeaways. The fact sheets include key information and facts on the module topic.
Fact Sheets
Module 1: Introduction to Positive Youth Development
Module 2: Physical and Psychological Safety
Module 3: Supportive Relationships
Module 4: Opportunities to Belong
Module 5: Positive Social Norms
Module 6: Appropriate Structure
Module 7: Support for Efficacy and Mattering
Module 8: Opportunities for Skill Building
Module 9: Integration of Family, School, and Community Efforts
The following resources are provided to support programs pursuing continuous quality improvement. The topics reflect the eight Essential Elements as identified by Eccles and Gootman (2002) and are divided into three categories:
- Why is this important? This section includes resources covering theory, rationale or relevant research on the topic
- How can I help my staff in this area? This section includes resources for managers to bolster staff training
- How can my staff help youth in this area? This section includes resources for direct staff to utilize with youth
These resources support Army Youth Program Assessment (AYPA) Improvement Action Proposals and Plan and are evidence-based, provided by credible sources, focused on school-aged children and teens, accessible, and relevant.
Physical and Psychological Safety Resources
Supportive Relationship Resources
Opportunities to Belong Resources
Positive Social Norms Resources
Appropriate Structure Resources
Support for Efficacy and Mattering Resources