Positive Social Norms Resources

A good overview of the concepts, research, theories, etc. regarding Positive Social Norms can be found in REACH's Positive Youth Development modules.

Why is this important?

Resource 1: Social Cognitive Theory

Healthy youth-adult and peer relationships are crucial to youth for learning appropriate behavior and understanding social expectations. Youth learn positive social norms through the various social interactions and relationships they have with other people.

The following module describes the principles of the social cognitive theory, which suggests that children and youth learn appropriate behavior and skills through observation of behavior modeled by peers and adults.

Managers and staff could:

  • Use this module to understand the theoretical foundations of behavior modeling and the learning process behind observation of modeled behavior
  • Learn how to apply the principles of social learning theory to integrate into activities and model positive social norms for youth

The Social Cognitive Theory (Theory discussion, Boston University School of Public Health)

Resource 2: Prosocial Behavior

One important outcome of promoting positive social norms is prosocial behavior (behavior that promotes social acceptance and friendships). Prosocial behavior is associated with development of social and cognitive competencies in youth such as collaborative learning and emotional regulation skills.

The following literature review discusses the current areas of research examining prosocial behavior in youth. Research findings about the developmental processes, related outcomes, and implications for promoting prosocial behavior are described in this resource.

Managers and staff could:

  • Identify the different factors described in the research findings that influence the development of prosocial behaviors in youth
  • Consider the implications of the research findings for promoting prosocial behavior and fostering positive social norms for youth programs

Prosocial Behavior and Schooling (Research brief, Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development)*

*This title is based on the title of the resource, and has information applicable to youth programs.

Resource 3: Positive Social Norms

Positive social norms foster the development of healthy standards and expectations and are associated with positive youth outcomes. It is important to have a strong understanding of the concepts and factors that influence development of positive behaviors when establishing program norms and expectations.

The following resource is a comprehensive module that includes an overview of positive social norms and an interactive case study for application of key concepts.

Managers and staff could:

  • Use the following resource to develop and practice skills for conveying and promoting positive social norms
  • Improve their understanding of concepts and definitions related to positive social norms

Positive Social Norms Module (Training module, REACH)

How can I help my staff in this area?

Resource 1: Self-Regulation and Mindfulness

Relationships and social interactions have a significant impact on how youth learn to integrate positive social norms and expectations into their own daily lives. Therefore, it is important for youth program staff to be able to effectively model self-regulation strategies for youth.

The following article describes strategies that adults can use for practicing mindfulness and modeling self-regulation for youth. Youth program staff can use the following resource to practice their own ability for emotional regulation in order to model positive norms for youth.

Managers could:

  • Brainstorm with staff activities or strategies that could be used to practice and foster self-regulation in youth
  • Provide staff with resources and opportunities to practice different mindfulness and self-reflection skills regularly
  • Discuss the importance of self-regulation for fostering and enforcing positive social norms with staff

How to Develop and Practice Self-Regulation (Article, verywellmind.com)

Resource 2: Positive Role Model

One important factor for fostering positive social norms is for adults to form supportive relationships with youth. Adults who act as positive role models can challenge growth, show care and support, and encourage civic engagement in youth.

The following resource briefly describes the importance of positive role models and qualities that good role models possess.

Managers could:

  • Use the resource to help youth program staff understand their role as a positive adult figure in the lives of youth
  • Brainstorm with youth program staff the range of qualities that may be important for being a positive role model for youth
  • Understand how these qualities can be used to model positive social norms for youth

What Is a Role Model? Five Qualities that Matter to Youth (Article, rootsofaction.com)

How can my staff help youth in this area?

Resource 1: Understanding Diversity

Discussion of different cultures fosters inclusion in an environment and provides youth with an opportunity to learn about culturally appropriate norms. Helping youth learn and have appropriate conversations about diversity can help foster development of positive peer relationships and integration of positive social norms.

The following resource contains different activities for guiding discussions about diversity among youth and can be used to reduce negative stereotypes and practice mindfulness.

Staff could:

  • Facilitate activities about different cultures and backgrounds to ensure positive peer interactions
  • Guide youth in identifying and correcting any misperceived stereotypes or norms
  • Provide additional resources or materials that portray accurate norms for different groups

Diversity Activities for Youth and Adults (Activities, PennState Extension)

Resource 2: Setting Classroom Rules

One important consideration for fostering positive social norms is creating a secure and inclusive environment for youth to have open conversations about norms and expectations. Providing youth with the opportunity to take initiative in creating rules and boundaries allows them to collaborate with peers in developing in an environment where they feel comfortable and supported.

The following resource provides guidelines and examples of activities for creating classroom expectations.

Staff could:

  • Brainstorm with youth different rules and boundaries that could be implemented to promote a safe and inclusive environment
  • Discuss the importance of having classroom rules with youth so that they can have a deeper understanding of expectations and norms
  • Hold youth accountable for the classroom expectations by publicly displaying the rules

Creating Classroom Rules (Article, The Art of Education University)