Impact of Parents Wartime Military Deployment and Injury on Their Young Children's Safety and Mental Health


Young children of Active Duty military parents participated in a study assessing the impact of parental deployment and combat injury on children’s mental health, injuries, and maltreatment. Young children of deployed and combat-injured military parents had more ambulatory care visits for mental health, injuries, and child maltreatment after their military parent returned from deployment.

Hisle-Gorman, E., Harrington, D., Nylund, C. M., Tercyak, K. P., Anthony, B. J., Gorman, G. H. (2015). Impact of Parents Wartime Military Deployment and Injury on Their Young Children's Safety and Mental Health. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 54, 294-301. doi:10.1016/j.jaac.2014.12.017