Adolescence (12-18 years)
Supporting Middle School Students Whose Parents Are Deployed: Challenges and Strategies for Schools.
Middle school students from military families face unique challenges, especially when their parents are deployed.
The evolution of discipline practices: School-wide positive behavior supports
In response to public requests to improve the purpose and structure of discipline systems, schools have increased their emphases on “school-wide” positive behavior support.
Mechanisms of risk and resilience in military families: Theoretical and empirical basis of a family-focused resilience enhancement program
Recent studies have confirmed that repeated wartime deployment of a parent exacts a toll on military children and families and that the quality and functionality of familial relations is linked to force preservation and readines
An Examination of a Case Study with a Military Family and its Involvement with Child Protective Services
This theoretical article examines a case study of a military family and the family's involvement with Child Protective Services.
Academic Press: Translating High Expectations into School Policies and Classroom Practices.
Examines the connection between staff beliefs and the academic press outcomes of student academic norms, self-concept of academic ability and sense of academic futility.
Parents' deployment draws mixed emotions from teens
Understanding how a parent’s deployment affects the teen years is the focal point of research conducted by Angela Huebner, associate professor o
The well-being of children from military families
Since 2001, the rapid pace of deployments of military personnel who are parents has created additional concern for the emotional and behavioral health of their children.
Afterword: What we can learn from military children and families
The well-being of military children and families in the United States has far-reaching signifcance for the nation as a whole, in addition to its importance for military capabilities and individual service
A Need for Training: Preparing Juvenile and Family Court Judges on Military‐Related Issues
This brief report presents a study undertaken to better understand the training needs of judicial officers related to military issues.