Supporting Middle School Students Whose Parents Are Deployed: Challenges and Strategies for Schools.


Middle school students from military families face unique challenges, especially when their parents are deployed. Among the challenges they experience are frequent relocations; issues that affect academic achieve ment; uncertainty; and changes in roles, responsibilties, and relationships at home. Reunification involves issues of the returning parent’s reintegration into the family, reacquainting with children, and recuperation. This article highlights the need for educators to recognize the unique matters surrounding military students, particularly those whose parents are deployed. It focuses on students’ needs, challenges faced by families and schools, and support mechanisms in place. Implications for practice and strategies for schools to use are provided.

Williams, B. (2013). Supporting Middle School Students Whose Parents Are Deployed: Challenges and Strategies for Schools. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 86(4), 128-135. doi: 10.1080/00098655.2013.782849