Afterword: What we can learn from military children and families


The well-being of military children and families in the United States has far-reaching signifcance for the nation as a whole, in addition to its importance for military capabilities and individual service members and their families. The articles in this issue underscore this message as they update what we know and what we need to know about the challenges and opportunities of military life for children and their families. Although military life has unique hazards and benefits, there are also many parallels in the lives of military and civilian families. Thus, the struggles and achievements of military families and the systems that support them hold valuable lessons for all of us. Based on this issue of the Future of Children, this commentary highlights lessons we can learn from military children and families that have the potential to help many families outside the military. It also suggests ways to build on those lessons through additional research and dissemination.


Masten, A. S. (2013). Afterword: What we can learn from military children and families. The Future of Children, 199-212. doi:10.1353/foc.2013.0012