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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

Effect of Parent Training vs Parent Education on Behavioral Problems in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder


Children with autism spectrum disorder often show disruptive and noncompliance behaviors and many parents may need support as they deal with these behaviors.

Publication year
Bearss, K. Johnson, C. Smith, T. Lecavalier, L. Swiezy, N. Aman, M. McAdam, D. B. Butter, E. Stillitano, C. Minshawi, N. Sukhodolsky, D. G. Mruzek, D. W. Turner, K. Neal, T. Hallett, V. Mulick, J. A. Green, B. Handen, B. Deng, Y. Dziura, J. Scahill, L.

Testing the Main Hypotheses of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behavior in a Large Diverse Sample of United States Military Personnel


Sense of belonging may impact an individual’s mental health and risk to engage in suicidal behavior. Utilizing a theoretical framework to assess suicidality, this study examined factors that may be contributing to an individual’s desire for death and ability to engage in suicide attempts.

Publication year
Anestis, M.D. Khazem, L. R. Mohn, R. S. Green, B. A.

The Impact of Infidelity on Combat-Exposed Service Members


During frequent and lengthy deployments, infidelity may be a concern for Service members and their significant others. This study examined how combat-exposed Service members’ experiences of infidelity during deployment were associated with post-deployment mental health.

Publication year
Kachadourian, K. L. Smith, B. N. Taft, C. T. Vogt, D.

“Strength at Home” Intervention for Male Veterans Perpetrating Intimate Partner Aggression: Perceived Needs Survey of Therapists and Pilot Effectiveness Study


This study examines the experience of a small group of Veterans participating in a pilot study of a program called the Strength at Home intervention, a 12-session group treatment program for military personnel with a history of intimate partner aggression.

Publication year
Love, A. R. Morland, L. A. Menez, U. Taft, C. MacDonald, A. Mackintosh, M. A.

Daily Insufficient Sleep and Active Duty Status


Given the importance of sleep in health outcomes, phone survey data were used to examine the relationship between active duty status and sleep issues. Active Duty service was associated with an increase in insufficient sleep over the past 30 days.

Publication year
Chapman, D. P. Liu, Y. McKnight-Eily, L. R. Croft, J. B. Holt, J. B. Balkin, T. J. Giles, W. H.

Child Maltreatment Among Civilian Parents Before, During, and After Deployment in United States Air Force Families


Child maltreatment is a serious concern for families, and it is important to understand factors that may influence maltreatment rates. Rates of child maltreatment by a civilian parent in a military family were compared before, during, and after deployment.

Publication year
McCarthy, R. J. Rabenhorst, M. M. Thomsen, C. J. Milner, J. S. Travis, W. J. Copeland, C. W. Foster, R. E.

Help Seeking by Parents in Military Families on Behalf of Their Young Children


Online survey data were used to examine individual and child well-being, recognition of child problems, and help-seeking behaviors among military parents. Most military families were aware of their child’s problems and sought help.

Publication year
Flittner O'Grady, A. E. MacDermid Wadsworth, S. Willerton, E. Cardin, J.-F. C. Topp, D. Mustillo, S. Lester, P.