“Strength at Home” Intervention for Male Veterans Perpetrating Intimate Partner Aggression: Perceived Needs Survey of Therapists and Pilot Effectiveness Study


This study examines the experience of a small group of Veterans participating in a pilot study of a program called the Strength at Home intervention, a 12-session group treatment program for military personnel with a history of intimate partner aggression. Participants in this pilot study showed decreased emotional abuse and anger expression after participating in the program.

Love, A. R., Morland, L. A., Menez, U., Taft, C., MacDonald, A., Mackintosh, M. A. (2015). “Strength at Home” Intervention for Male Veterans Perpetrating Intimate Partner Aggression: Perceived Needs Survey of Therapists and Pilot Effectiveness Study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 30, 2344-2362. doi:10.177/0886260514552445