Child Maltreatment Among Civilian Parents Before, During, and After Deployment in United States Air Force Families


Child maltreatment is a serious concern for families, and it is important to understand factors that may influence maltreatment rates. Rates of child maltreatment by a civilian parent in a military family were compared before, during, and after deployment. Rates of child maltreatment perpetrated by the civilian parent increased substantially during deployment, but decreased after deployment to levels that were lower than pre-deployment rates.

McCarthy, R. J., Rabenhorst, M. M., Thomsen, C. J., Milner, J. S., Travis, W. J., Copeland, C. W., Foster, R. E. (2015). Child Maltreatment Among Civilian Parents Before, During, and After Deployment in United States Air Force Families. Psychology of Violence, 5, 26-34. doi:10.1037/a0035433