
Web-based Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Education for Military Family Members

Objective: Since post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common after military deployment and affects both military service membes and their families, we sought to both improve PTSD-related knowledge of military family members and to foster actions to help service members with their symptoms.

Roy, M. J.
Taylor, P.
Runge W.
Grigsby, E.
Woolley, M.
Torgeson, T.

Voluntary Participation and Parents' Reasons for Enrollment in After-School Programs: Contributions of Race/Ethnicity, Program Quality, and Program Policies

Using data from the state evaluation of Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers, this study employed multilevel modeling to examine racial/ethnic and programmatic factors relevant to two aspects of after-school program participation: youths voluntary participation and parents reasons for

Wu, H.-C. J.
Van Egeren, L. A.