Women and Men Who Have Served in Afghanistan/Iraq: Coming Home


The experience of war changes people – some will acknowledge that the changes are positive and some will feel the opposite or a combination, but that it changes a person cannot be disputed. For those who return, the experience of reintegration to civilian life or as a respite before redeployment can present numerous challenges. The research presented in this article reports the findings on interviews with over 800 service members who had returned from either Afghanistan or Iraq. The Post Deployment Reintegration Scale was used to refine the areas that respondents identified as positive or negative in their reintegration experience. Implications for practice with returning service members are noted.

Beder, J., Coe, R., Sommer, D. (2011). Women and Men Who Have Served in Afghanistan/Iraq: Coming Home. Social Work in Health Care, 50, 515-526. doi:10.1080/00981389.2011.554279