Hazardous Drinking and Family Functioning in National Guard Veterans and Spouses Postdeployment

Survey data were used to examine the rates of alcohol misuse among National Guard members and their relationship partners, congruence of drinking behaviors within couples, and the effects of alcohol misuse, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on relationship satisfaction, parenti

Blow, A. J.
Gorman, L.
Ganoczy, D.
Kees, M.
Kashy, D. A.
Valenstein, M.
Marcus, S. M.
Fitzgerald, H. E.
Chermack, S.

Family Meals and Child Academic and Behavioral Outcomes

In this study of 21,400 children, researchers evaluated the association between family meal frequency (i.e., how often families eat meals together) and child academic and behavioral health outcomes.

Miller, D. P.
Waldfogel, J.
Han, W. J.