Impact of Combat Deployment on Psychological and Relationship Health: A Longitudinal Study

Survey data of members of the U.S. Air Force security forces assigned to a year-long high-threat ground mission in Iraq were used to determine the degree to which Airmen’s emotional and behavioral health and committed relationships were adversely impacted by an extended deployment to a warzone.

Cigrang, J. A.
Talcot, G. W.
Tatum, J.
Baker, M.
Cassidy, D.
Sonnek, S.
Slep, A. M. S.

Homelessness and Money Mismanagement in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans

Risk factors (i.e., drug abuse, posttraumatic stress disorder, mental and physical health) for homelessness among Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF) Veterans are examined, with a particular focus on money mismanagement.

Elbogen, E. B.
Sullivan, C. P.
Wolfe, J.
Wagner, H. R.
Beckham, J. C.

Help Seeking by Parents in Military Families on Behalf of Their Young Children

Online survey data were used to examine individual and child well-being, recognition of child problems, and help-seeking behaviors among military parents. Most military families were aware of their child’s problems and sought help.

Flittner O'Grady, A. E.
MacDermid Wadsworth, S.
Willerton, E.
Cardin, J.-F. C.
Topp, D.
Mustillo, S.
Lester, P.