Effects of Work-Related Absences on Families: Evidence from the Gulf War

The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of work-related separations on military families. Specifically, the authors estimate the effect of Gulf War deployment on divorce rates, spousal employment, and children’s disability rates (physical, emotional, or intellectual handicap).

Angrist, J. D.
Johnson, J. H.

Long-Term Effects of a Home-Visiting Intervention for Depressed Mothers and Their Infants

This study used a randomized controlled trial to examine the long-term effects of an early preventive intervention for mothers with postpartum depression and their infants, with regard to the quality of maternal interactive behavior, child attachment security, self-esteem, ego-resiliency, verbal

Kersten-Alvarez, L. E.
Hosman, C. M.
Riksen-Walraven, J. M.
Van Doesum, K. T.
Hoefnagels, C.