Timing of Postcombat Mental Health Assessments

509 Army Soldiers (who had returned within the previous week from a 12-month deployment to Iraq) participated in a study to examine changes in psychological symptoms between homecoming and 120 days later.
Bliese, P.D.
Wright, K.M.
Adler, A.B.
Thomas, J.L.
Hoge, C.W.

Patterns of Mutual and Nonmutual Spouse Abuse in the U.S. Army (1998–2002)

Researchers determined the patterns and severity of domestic violence incidents (N = 20,959) among Army enlisted personnel as reported to the Army Central Registry database from 1998 to 2002.Over the 5 year period of the study, 58% of the cases were nonmutual (one-sided) and 42% were mutual (bidi

McCarroll, J. E.
Ursano, R. J.
Fan, Z.
Newby, J. H.