Patterns of Mutual and Nonmutual Spouse Abuse in the U.S. Army (1998–2002)


Researchers determined the patterns and severity of domestic violence incidents (N = 20,959) among Army enlisted personnel as reported to the Army Central Registry database from 1998 to 2002.Over the 5 year period of the study, 58% of the cases were nonmutual (one-sided) and 42% were mutual (bidirectional). Those at the highest risk of victimization were Active Duty females who were married to civilian males.

McCarroll, J. E., Ursano, R. J., Fan, Z., & Newby, J. H. (2004). Patterns of mutual and nonmutual spouse Abuse in the U.S. Army (1998–2002). Violence and Victims, 19(4), 453–468.