Reserve Component
Intimate Partner Violence: Strategies to Engage Male Victims
In recent decades, research on intimate partner violence (IPV) has yielded important information on prevalence rates, risk factors, and outcomes about female IPV victims; however, there remains a limited amount of research about male victims of IPV, especially male victims in the military.
PTSD Symptoms and Family Versus Stranger Violence in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans
As a diagnosis, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been associated with violence committed by veterans in many studies; however, a potential link to specific PTSD symptoms has received relatively less attention.
PTSD Symptoms and Family Versus Stranger Violence in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans
Several studies have demonstrated a link between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and aggressive, violent behavior among Veterans. Data from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans were used to examine the association between specific PTSD symptoms and family and stranger violence.