
Children of Deployed National Guard Troops: Perceptions of Parental Deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom

Children of deployed Service members may face many difficulties and concerns, but little research addresses child deployment perspectives. Children of newly-deployed National Guard Soldiers were interviewed about their perspectives on deployment and frequencies of responses were calculated.

Houston, J. B.
Pfefferbaum, B.
Sherman, M. D.
Melson, A. G.
Jeon-Slaughter, H.
Brand, M. W.
Jarman, Y.

Psychological Adjustment of Navy Mothers Experiencing Deployment

Deployment can be a difficult time for families in many ways. This study focused on the experience of Sailors who were also mothers. Researchers compared the experience of deployed Navy mothers to those who were not deployed and examined predictors of mental health outcomes for deployed mothers.

Kelley. M. L.
Hock, E.
Jarvis, M. S.
Smith, K. M.
Gaffney, M. A.
Bonney, J. F.