Children of National Guard Troops Deployed in the Global War on Terrorism


This study examined deployment effects in children and spouses of National Guard troops using a longitudinal design to assess 18 children (ages 6 to 17 years) and 13 non-deployed spouses before, during, and after deployment. Both self- and parent reports revealed that children of deployed service personnel experienced emotional and behavioral symptoms during the deployment of their fathers relative to pre- and post-deployment. The children's worry and uncertainty, along with aspects of family interactions, may give rise to ambiguous loss associated with deployment in military families.

Pfefferbaum, B., Houston, J. B., Sherman, M. D., Melson, A. G. (2011). Children of National Guard Troops Deployed in the Global War on Terrorism. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 16, 291-305. doi:10.1080/15325024.2010.519293