
After-School Programs as a Prosocial Setting for Bonding Between Peers

This quantitative study assessed the relationship between peer social support, family interactions, and psychosocial outcomes, namely, conduct problems, emotional problems, hyperactivity, indirect aggression, prosocial behavior, and self-esteem of youth ages 9 to 15 years.
Wright, R.
John, L.
Duku, E.
Burgos, G.
Krygsman, A.
Esposto, C.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Intimate Relationship Problems: A Meta-Analysis

This meta-analysis examined the relationship between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and intimate relationship problems (specifically: 1) intimate relationship discord, 2) intimate partner physical aggression perpetration, and 3) intimate partner psychological aggression perpetration), synthes
Taft, C. T.
Watkins, L. E.
Stafford, J.
Street, A. E.
Monson, C. M.