
The Impact of Shared Location on the Mental Health of Military and Civilian Adolescents in a Community Affected by Frequent Deployments: A Research Note

This research assessed the mental health and well-being (i.e., depression, self-esteem and suicide ideation) for Canadian Military Forces (CF) and civilian adolescents living in a community affected by frequent deployment, by comparing these youth to a national sample of adolescents.

Harrison, D.
Robson, K.
Albanese, P.
Sanders, C.
Newburn-Cook, C.

Long-Term Effects of a Home-Visiting Intervention for Depressed Mothers and Their Infants

This study used a randomized controlled trial to examine the long-term effects of an early preventive intervention for mothers with postpartum depression and their infants, with regard to the quality of maternal interactive behavior, child attachment security, self-esteem, ego-resiliency, verbal

Kersten-Alvarez, L. E.
Hosman, C. M.
Riksen-Walraven, J. M.
Van Doesum, K. T.
Hoefnagels, C.

Effect of Early Father Absence on a Scholastic Aptitude

This article reports the results of an investigation of the effect of father absence on young children in terms of the patterns of math and verbal aptitude scores which these children later attain on college entrance examinations. The author relates the findings to sex-identification theory.

Carlsmith, L.