Investigating the Causes of the Earnings Penalty of Being a Tied-Migrant Military Spouse
2000 Census data was used to compare salaries of military spouses to salaries of civilians. Overall, military spouses have lower annual incomes than their civilian counterparts.
Comparative Analysis of Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence against Women in Military and Civilian Communities in Abuja, Nigeria
238 civilian females living in Nigeria completed scales about intimate partner violence to examine associations between living in a military community and rates of intimate partner violence.
Public Awareness Campaigns
Public awareness campaigns (PACs) can be an effective component of a comprehensive strategy to promote change at the level of the individual, organization, community, or society.
The Experience of Reintegration for Military Families and Implications for Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Programming
This report provides a comprehensive summary of the research on the reintegration experiences of Service members, military spouses, and military children.