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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

Technologies for expanding the reach of evidence-based interventions: Preliminary results for promoting social emotional development in early childhood


Pre- and post-test data from infant and mothers who completed an adapted evidence-based early childhood intervention program (Play and Learning Strategies [PALS]) for use on the internet (Infant Net) were assessed to explore changes in parenting (i.e., depression, sensitive and responsive interac

Publication year
Baggett, M. K. Davis, B. Feil, E. G. Sheeber, L. L. Landry, S. H. Carta, J. J. Leve C.

Technologies for expanding the reach of evidence-based interventions: Preliminary results for promoting social emotional development in early childhood


In great demand are efficient mechanisms for delivery of evidence-based interventions for promoting social-emotional development and early positive behavior of all children, and especially for those with or at risk for disabilities.

Publication year
Baggett, M. K. Davis, B. Feil, E. G. Sheeber, L. L. Landry, S. H. Carta, J. J. Leve C.

The Long War and Parental Combat Deployment: Effects on Military Children and At-Home Spouses


Survey data were utilized to examine the impact of parental combat deployments, parental distress, and cumulative duration of parent deployment on child adjustment (i.e., internalizing, externalizing, depression, and anxiety) in families with currently deployed and recently returned Service membe

Publication year
Lester, P. Peterson, K. Reeves, J. Knauss, L. Glover, D. Mogil, C. Duan, N. Saltzman, W. Pynoos, R. Wilt, K. Beardslee, W.

The Long War and Parental Combat Deployment: Effects on Military Children and At-Home Spouses


Objective: Given the growing number of military service members with families and the multiple combat deployments characterizing current war time duties, the impact of deployments on military children requires clarification.

Publication year
Lester, P. Peterson, K. Reeves, J. Knauss, L. Glover, D. Mogil, C. Duan, N. Saltzman, W. Pynoos, R. Wilt, K. Beardslee, W.

The Promise of Afterschool Programs for Promoting School Connectedness


Youth, parents and guardian, and school staff reports were used to explore key design features and qualities of after-school programs that foster school connectedness, (i.e., the degree to which youth feel connected to their school, measured by feelings of connection, attendance, and academic out

Publication year
Anderson-Butcher, D.

Voluntary Participation and Parents' Reasons for Enrollment in After-School Programs: Contributions of Race/Ethnicity, Program Quality, and Program Policies


Using data from the state evaluation of Michigan 21st Century Community Learning Centers, this study employed multilevel modeling to examine racial/ethnic and programmatic factors relevant to two aspects of after-school program participation: youths voluntary participation and parents reasons for

Publication year
Wu, H.-C. J. Van Egeren, L. A.

Children's Classroom Engagement and School Readiness Gains in Prekindergarten


Data were utilized to classify pre-kindergarten children into profiles based on their classroom engagement. These profiles were then used to predict gains in language, literacy, and math, from fall to spring of the pre-kindergarten year.

Publication year
Chien, N. C. Howes, C. Burchinal, M. Pianta, R. C. Ritchie, S. Bryant, D. M. Clifford, R. M. Early, D. M. Barbarin, O. A.

Children's Classroom Engagement and School Readiness Gains in Prekindergarten


Child engagement in prekindergarten classrooms was examined using 2,751 children (mean age = 4.62) enrolled in public prekindergarten programs that were part of the Multi-State Study of Pre-Kindergarten and the State-Wide Early Education Programs Study.

Publication year
Chien, N. C. Howes, C. Burchinal, M. Pianta, R. C. Ritchie, S. Bryant, D. M. Clifford, R. M. Early, D. M. Barbarin, O. A.