Class-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Preschool: Improving Teacher Implementation Through Consultation


As the number of young children displaying challenging behavior in early childhood grows, so too does the need to implement evidence-based practices that prevent challenging behavior. Positive Behavior Support (PBS) provides a framework of tiered interventions focused on promoting social-emotional development and preventing challenging behavior. This study investigated the effects of consultation on teachers’ implementation of universal PBS practices and children’s academic engagement. A multiple-baseline design was applied across four preschool classrooms serving children from 33 to 63 months of age. A strong relationship was documented between consultation and teachers’ implementation of PBS skills. High levels of academic engagement were maintained following consultation. Implications of the results are provided for applications of universal PBS practices in early childhood settings.

Carter, D., Van Norman, R. (2010). Class-Wide Positive Behavior Support in Preschool: Improving Teacher Implementation Through Consultation. Early Childhood Education Journal, 38, 279-288. doi:10.1007/s10643-010-0409-x