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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

Identity Adjustment Among Afghanistan and Iraq War Veterans With Reintegration Difficulty


Written data from a larger study were used to examine identity adjustment difficulties during reintegration among OIF/OEF/OND Veterans. Identity adjustment difficulties were examined based on gender and military component (i.e., Reserve or Guard, Active Duty).

Publication year
Orazem, R. J. Frazier, P. A. Schnurr, P. P. Oleson, H. E. Litz, B. T. Sayer, N. A.

Relationship Education for Military Couples: Recommendations for Best Practice


Military couples have a number of distinctive strengths and challenges that are likely to influence their relationship adjustment. Military couples' strengths include stable employment, financial security, and subsidized health and counseling services.

Publication year
Bakhurst, M. G. Loew, B. McGuire, A. C. Halford, W. K. Markman, H. J.

Examining the Effects of a Novel Training Program and Use of Psychiatric Service Dogs for Military-Related PTSD and Associated Symptoms


This study explored an intensive 3-week training program and use of psychiatric service dogs for military-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and associated symptoms. The sample included 2 separate cohorts of military veterans (n = 7 and n = 5) with prior diagnoses of PTSD.

Publication year
Kloep, M. L. Hunter, R. H. Kertz, S. J.

Child Mental Health Symptoms Following Parental Deployment: The Impact of Parental Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, Marital Distress, and General Aggression


Marital distress, aggression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are commonly linked in research. However, less often is the consideration of the impact on children, and specifically, their increased mental health symptoms.

Publication year
Foran, H. M. Eckford, R. D. Sinclair, R. R. Wright, K. M.

Quality of Life Among U.S. Army Spouses During the Iraq War


This study utilized the ABC-X model of family stress and resiliency theory to provide information about specific family and parental stress, family coping, appraisal of stress and coping abilities, and quality of life for spouses at various stages of a recent military deployment.

Publication year
Everson, R. B. Darling, C. Herzog, J. R. Figley, C. R. King, D.

The Role of PTSD, Depression, and Alcohol Misuse Symptom Severity in Linking Deployment Stressor Exposure and Post-Military Work and Family Outcomes in Male and Female Veterans


This study examined the relationship among three deployment stressors (warfare exposure, sexual harassment and assault, and family stress during deployment), three mental health categories (posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, depression, and alcohol misuse), and six areas of functionin

Publication year
Smith, B. N. Taverna, E. C. Fox, A. B. Schnurr, P. P. Matteo, R. A. Vogt, D.

Fact Sheet - Mindfulness: Applications to Military Families

Research Report

The literature on mindfulness interventions has greatly expanded in recent decades, but there remains a limited amount of research on how mindfulness interventions can be applied to military families and their well-being.

Publication year
Richmond, A. Smischney, T. Gliske, K. Otto, M. Otto, A. Schroeder, B. Norby, A. Roeske, R. Root, H. Borden, L. M.

Implementation of a School Districtwide Grassroots Antibullying Initiative: A School Staff and Parent–Focused Evaluation of Because Nice Matters


Military-connected youth experience a lot of stress resulting from deployments and multiple school transitions. A military-connected school developed a grassroots anti-bullying program called Because Nice Matters (BNM) , its success was analyzed after two years of implementing the program.

Publication year
De Pedro, K. T., Pineda, D., Capp, G., Moore, H., Benbenishty, R., & Astor, R. A.

At-Home Partner Sleep Functioning Over the Course of Military Deployment


Readiness and Resilience in National Guard Soldier (RINGS-2) data were used to examine sleep complaint trajectories of at-home intimate partners of Guard members throughout the deployment cycle.

Publication year
Miller, K. E. Koffel, E. Kramer, M. D. Erbes, C. R. Arbisi, P. A. Polusny, M. A.