Quality of Life Among U.S. Army Spouses During the Iraq War


This study utilized the ABC-X model of family stress and resiliency theory to provide information about specific family and parental stress, family coping, appraisal of stress and coping abilities, and quality of life for spouses at various stages of a recent military deployment. Three groups of spouses participated in this study. These groups consisted of spouses of non-deployed Service members, spouses of Service members deployed less than six months, and spouses of Service members deployed more than six months. Overall, significant differences related to functioning were found between groups of spouses.

Everson, R. B., Darling, C., Herzog, J. R., Figley, C. R., King, D. (2017). Quality of Life Among U.S. Army Spouses During the Iraq War. Journal of Family Social Work, 20, 124-143. doi:10.1080/10522158.2017.1279578