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The research team within the Center for Research and Outreach has a multi-dimensional approach that includes conducting empirical studies, program evaluations, analysis of secondary data, and the use of empirical research to identify and address key issues impacting children, youth, and families. Through this process, we review academic literature, translate research into practice, develop materials to help non-academics be critical consumers of scientific research, and promote the use of evidenced-based information in decision making.

Military Families: Measurement of Community Resource Adequacy


In this study, a community resource adequacy measure was examined among military families and health care providers. The objective was to assess community factors that may help or hinder deployment-related stress and to improve resource availability for military families.

Publication year
La Flair, L. N. Fullerton, C. S. Cozza, S. J. Herberman Mash, H. B. Mccarroll, J. E. Ortiz, C. D. Ursano, R. J.

Male Veteran Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Program Outcomes


An examination of a psycho-educationally based treatment approach for male Veteran intimate partner violence (IPV) offenders was conducted. Pre and post-test domestic violence and abuse screen behavioral outcomes as well as program failure, and recidivism were analyzed.

Publication year
Schaffer, B. J.

Personal Technology Use by the U.S. Military Service Members and Veterans: An Update


Personal technology use is common. The researchers examined the technology habits of the military community through an online survey, and compared the results with a survey conducted two years ago. Findings revealed similar technology use habits in the military and civilian communities.

Publication year
Bush, N. E. Wheeler, W. M.

Effect of Parent Training vs Parent Education on Behavioral Problems in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder


Children with autism spectrum disorder often show disruptive and noncompliance behaviors and many parents may need support as they deal with these behaviors.

Publication year
Bearss, K. Johnson, C. Smith, T. Lecavalier, L. Swiezy, N. Aman, M. McAdam, D. B. Butter, E. Stillitano, C. Minshawi, N. Sukhodolsky, D. G. Mruzek, D. W. Turner, K. Neal, T. Hallett, V. Mulick, J. A. Green, B. Handen, B. Deng, Y. Dziura, J. Scahill, L.

Differential Child Maltreatment Risk Across Deployment Periods of US Army Soldiers


Family well-being can be greatly impacted by stressful life events; parental deployment can increase that stress. The risk of maltreatment in young children of U.S Army soldiers throughout different deployment cycles was explored in this study.

Publication year
Taylor, C. M. Ross, M. E. Wood, J. N. Griffis, H. M. Harb, G. C. Mi, L. Song, L. Strane, D. Lynch, K. G. Rubin, D. M.

FOCUS School-Based Skill-Building Groups: Training and Implementation


Military children encounter unique deployment-related stressors. The study examined the training and implementation of a school-based intervention, Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS) School-Based Skill-Building Groups (SBG).

Publication year
Garcia, E. De Pedro, K. T. Astor, R. A. Lester, P. Benbenishty, R.