
Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Development

In this article, we summarize: (a) the arguments linking participation in structured leisure activities to positive youth development, (b) our findings on the association of extracurricular activity involvement with both educational and risky behavior outcomes during adolescence and young adultho

Eccles, J. S.
Barber, B. L.
Stone, M.
Hunt, J.

Hazardous Drinking and Family Functioning in National Guard Veterans and Spouses Postdeployment

The current study examined rates of alcohol misuse among National Guard (NG) service members and their spouses/partners, concordance of drinking behaviors among couples, and the effects of alcohol misuse, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on three measures of family functioning

Blow, A. J.
Gorman, L.
Ganoczy, D.
Kees, M.
Kashy, D. A.
Valenstein, M.
Marcus, S. M.
Fitzgerald, H. E.
Chermack, S.