
Trauma, Social Support, Family Conflict, and Chronic Pain in Recent Service Veterans: Does Gender Matter?

Objective: Women veterans have a higher prevalence of chronic pain relative to men. One hypothesis is that differential combat and traumatic sexual experiences and attenuated levels of social support between men and women may differentially contribute to the development and perpetuation of pain.

Driscoll, M.
Higgins, D.
Seng, E. K.
Buta, E.
Goulet, J.L.
Heapy, A.A.
Kerns, R.D.
Brandt, C.A.
Haskell, S.G.

Transactions Between Child Social Wariness and Observed Structured Parenting: Evidence from a Prospective Adoption Study

This investigation examined the mutual influences between structured parenting and child social wariness during toddlerhood using a longitudinal adoption design. The sample consisted of 361 adoption-linked families, each including an adopted child, adoptive parents, and a birth mother.

Natsuaki, M.N.
Leve, L.D.
Harold, G.T.
Neiderhiser, J.M.
Shaw, D.S.
Ganiban, J.
Scaramella, L.V.
Reiss, D.