
Parental provision of academic structure and the transition to middle school

This study examined parents' provision of academic structure, and whether they implement it in an autonomy supportive or controlling manner, in relation to children's competence‐related beliefs, motivation, and academic behavior over the transition to middle school.

Grolnick, W. S.
Raftery-Helmer, J. N.
Flamm, E. S.
Marbell, K. N.
Cardemil, E. V.

Resilience among military youth

Much research on children in military families has taken a deficit approach—that is, it has portrayed these children as a population susceptible to psychological damage from the hardships of military life, such as frequent moves and separation from their parents during deployment. But M.

Easterbrooks, M.A.
Ginsburg, K.
Lerner, R.M.

Preventing punitive violence: Preliminary data on the positive discipline in everyday parenting (PDEP) program

Most physical violence against children is punitive in intent. The United Nations has called for the elimination of physical punishment of children and for the development of programs teaching nonviolent resolution of parent-child conflict.

Durrant, J. E.
Plateau, D. P.
Barker, L.
Stweart-Tufescu, A.
Jones, A.
Ly, G.
Barker, L.
Holden, G. W.
Kearley, C.
MacAulay, J.
Peters, R. D.
Tapanya, S.