
Effectiveness of a Multimedia Outreach Kit for Families of Wounded Veterans

Background: Young children in military families with a member who has a life changing injury can experience emotional difficulties and behavior changes. Objective: This study evaluated a Sesame Workshop multimedia kit called: Talk, Listen, Connect: Changes (TLC-II(C); 2008).

Walker, D. I.
Cardin, J. -F.
Chawla, N.
Topp, D.
Burton, T.
MacDermid Wadsworth, S.

Effect of Parent Training vs Parent Education on Behavioral Problems in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Importance: Disruptive behavior is common in children with autism spectrum disorder. Behavioral interventions are used to treat disruptive behavior but have not been evaluated in large-scale randomized trials.

Bearss, K.
Johnson, C.
Smith, T.
Lecavalier, L.
Swiezy, N.
Aman, M.
McAdam, D. B.
Butter, E.
Stillitano, C.
Minshawi, N.
Sukhodolsky, D. G.
Mruzek, D. W.
Turner, K.
Neal, T.
Hallett, V.
Mulick, J. A.
Green, B.
Handen, B.
Deng, Y.
Dziura, J.
Scahill, L.

Drinking and Spouse Abuse Among U.S. Army Soldiers

This study examines the relationship between typical weekly drinking and perpetration of spouse abuse as well as the relationship between the perpetrator's typical weekly drinking and alcohol use during the abuse event among U.S. Army male soldiers.

Bell, N. S.
Harford, T.
McCarroll. J. E.
Senier, L.

Domestic Violence in the Military: Women's Policy Preferences and Beliefs Concerning Routine Screening and Mandatory Reporting

Objectives: This study describes active duty military (ADM) women’s beliefs and preferences concerning domestic violence (DV) policy in the military. Methods: Telephone interviews were completed with 474 ADM women from all services,119 of whom had experienced DV during their military service.

Carlson Gielen, A.
Campbell, J.
Garza, M. A.
O'Campo, P.
Dienemann, J.
Kub, J.
Snow Jones, A.
Lloyd, D. W.