
Parenting Stress After Deployment in Navy Active Duty Fathers

Military fathers are being deployed, and leaving their families, for greater lengths of time and more frequently than ever before. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of recent deployment on parenting stress in U.S. Navy fathers with young children.

Yablonsky, A. M.
Yan, G.
Bullock, L.

Parent Training to Reduce Problem Behaviors Over the Transition to High School: Tests of Indirect Effects Through Improved Emotion Regulation Skills

Adolescent problem behaviors are costly for individuals and society. Promoting the self-regulatory functioning of youth may help prevent the development of such behaviors. Parent-training and family intervention programs have been shown to improve child and adolescent self-regulation.

Mason, W. A.
January, S.-A. A.
Fleming, C. B.
Thompson, R. W.
Parra, G. R.
Haggerty, K. P.
Snyder, J. J.