Male Veterans' Perceptions of Midlife Career Transition and Life Satisfaction: A Study of Military Men Transitioning to the Teaching Profession
Members of Troops to Teachers (N = 102 male veterans) were surveyed regarding their career transition experiences and life satisfaction. Primary themes related to career transition included preparation for transition, investment vs. sacrifice, and rewards of new career.
Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans With Reintegration Problems: Differences by Veterans Affairs Healthcare User Status
We studied 1,292 Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans who participated in a clinical trial of expressive writing to estimate the prevalence of perceived reintegration difficulty and compare Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare users to nonusers in terms of demographic and clinical characteristics.
Involvement in Abusive Violence Among Vietnam Veterans: Direct and Indirect Associations With Substance Use Problems and Suicidality
Circumstances of modern wars have placed service members at risk for harming noncombatants and engaging in other possible morally injurious acts.
Insomnia is the Most Commonly Reported Symptom and Predicts Other Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in U.S. Service Members Returning From Military Deployments
This study retrospectively reviewed records from current members of the U.S. military who had completed the PTSD Checklist (PCL) at 0 and 3-months after returning from deployments. Insomnia was the most commonly reported symptom of PTSD on the PCL and had the highest average severity scores.
Influence of Spirituality on Depression, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Suicidality in Active Duty Military Personnel
Understanding the role of spirituality as a potential coping mechanism for military personnel is important given growing concern about the mental health issues of personnel returning from war.
Marriage Education in the Army: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial
Although earlier studies have demonstrated promising effects of relationship education for military couples, these studies have lacked random assignment.
Empowering Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth: Lessons Learned From a Safe Schools Summit
The bullying of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth in schools is a significant problem in the United States.
Optimism, Self-Differentiation, and Perceived Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: Predictors of Satisfaction in Female Military Partners
Female wives/partners of active-duty military personnel, reservists, and veterans (N = 235) who had experienced a combat deployment participated in a study on the contributions of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, dispositional optimism, and self-differentiation to romantic relations
Parent-implemented Behavioral Skills Training of Social Skills
Impairment in social skills is a primary feature of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Research indicates that social skills are intimately tied to social development and negative social consequences can persist if specific social behaviors are not acquired.