
Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans With Reintegration Problems: Differences by Veterans Affairs Healthcare User Status

We studied 1,292 Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans who participated in a clinical trial of expressive writing to estimate the prevalence of perceived reintegration difficulty and compare Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare users to nonusers in terms of demographic and clinical characteristics.

Sayer, N. A.
Orazem, R. J.
Noorbaloochi, S.
Gravely, A.
Frazier, P.
Carlson, K. F.
Oleson, H.

Insomnia is the Most Commonly Reported Symptom and Predicts Other Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in U.S. Service Members Returning From Military Deployments

This study retrospectively reviewed records from current members of the U.S. military who had completed the PTSD Checklist (PCL) at 0 and 3-months after returning from deployments. Insomnia was the most commonly reported symptom of PTSD on the PCL and had the highest average severity scores.

McLay, R. N.
Klam, W. P.
Volkert, S. L.

Parent-implemented Behavioral Skills Training of Social Skills

Impairment in social skills is a primary feature of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Research indicates that social skills are intimately tied to social development and negative social consequences can persist if specific social behaviors are not acquired.

Dogan, R. K.
King, M. L.
Fischetti, A. T.
Lake, C. M.
Mathews, T. L.
Warzak, W. J.