
Creating Spaces to Support Transgender Youth

This article explores the opportunity to create spaces within the family, school, and community that specifically promote the well-being of transgender adolescents and young adults. When social contexts are supportive, transgender youth report significantly less risk.

McGuire, J. K.
Conover-Williams, M.

Domestic Violence and Deployment in US Army Soldiers

Although military deployment has been suggested as a possible cause of increases in domestic violence, little is known about it. The purpose of this study was to determine if deployment of 6 months to Bosnia predicted early postdeployment domestic violence.

McCarroll, J. E.
Ursano, R. J.
Newby, J. H.
Liu, X.
Fullerton, C. S.
Norwood, A. E.
Osuch, E. A.

Dissemination and Evaluation of Marriage Education in the Army

The effectiveness of marriage education was evaluated in two separate samples of primarily married couples in which at least one member of the couple was on active duty in the U.S. Army. The intervention was delivered by Army chaplains.

Stanley, S. M.
Allen, E. S.
Markman, H. J.
Saiz, C. C.
Bloomstrom, G.
Thomas, R.
Schumm, W. R.
Bailey, A. E.