When War Comes Home: The Effect of Combat Service on Domestic Violence
Deployment can include experiences that are highly stressful for Service members, which can influence Service members reintegration into their families.
Deployment can include experiences that are highly stressful for Service members, which can influence Service members reintegration into their families.
Extracurricular activities and youth programs can be valuable contexts for positive youth development. Perceived opportunities for development were compared across extracurricular activities, school classes, and time with friends among high school students in a small Midwestern city.
Partners of Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) frequently serve as the primary caregiver yet their experiences are not fully understood. This study examined internet discussion forum posts authored by female partners of male Veterans with PTSD.
Fathers have become increasingly involved in parenting; however, research suggests that mothers may now be primarily responsible for child discipline. Discipline strategies were observed in two-parent, two-child households in the Netherlands.
Researchers examined whether fathers' and mothers' (N = 1,298) spanking contributed to development of child aggression in the first five years of life. Overall, results indicated that mothers spanked more frequently than fathers.
Many adults with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are parents who must navigate relationships with their children in the face of this diagnosis.
Posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) may impact marital relationships. This study examined the possible role of coping styles in the association between PTSS and relationship quality.
Attending college following Active Duty military service often involves several challenging transitions with few resources or services to help Veterans.
Exposure to trauma may increase risk for divorce, potentially putting military couples at greater risk.
Parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) tend to have experiences and perceptions of stigma. This study built and tested a conceptual model for stigma and surveys parents of children with ASD to explore the pathways of the stigma experience.