Sleep Patterns Before, During, and After Deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan

As part of the Millennium Cohort Study, 41,225 Service members who deployed in support of OEF/OIF completed baseline and follow-up questionnaires to determine the associations between deployment and sleep quantity and quality.

Seelig, A. D.
Jacobsen, I. G.
Smith, B.
Hooper, T. I.
Boyko, E. J.
Gackstetter, G. D.
Gehrman, O.
Macera, C. A.
Smith, T. C.

Sexual Victimization, Health Status, and VA Healthcare Utilization Among Lesbian and Bisexual OEF/OIF Veterans

Three hundred sixty-five female OEF/OIF Veterans receiving care at two Veterans Affairs (VA) medical centers were surveyed to examine the prevalence of mental health and gender specific conditions, VA healthcare satisfaction, and trauma exposure.

Mattocks, K. M.
Sadler, A.
Yano, E. M.
Krebs, E. E.
Zephyrin, L.
Brandt, C.
Kimerling, R.
Sandfort, T.
Dichter, M. E.
Weiss, J. J.
Allison, J.
Haskell, S.

Sex Differences in Coping Strategies in Military Survival School

Two hundred U.S. Service members undergoing a stressful mock-captivity exercise participated in a study examining the role of sex differences in coping as a potential factor that might explain gender differences in PTSD.

Schmied, E. A.
Padilla, G. A.
Thomsen, C. J.
Lauby, M. D.
Harris, E.
Taylor, M. K.