An Examination of Family Adjustment Among Operation Desert Storm Veterans

This study examined interrelationships among combat exposure, family adjustment, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including symptom clusters (reexperiencing and avoidance, withdrawal and numbing, arousaland lack of control, and self-persecution), in a sample of Operation Dese

Taft, C. T.
Schumm, J. A.
Panuzio, J.
Proctor, S. P.

Alcohol Problems, Aggression, and Other Externalizing Behaviors After Return From Deployment: Understanding the Role of Combat Exposure, Internalizing Symptoms, and Social Environment

Researchers examined whether rates of externalizing behavior (e.g., alcohol consumption, aggressive behavior) four and nine months after deployment were related to various internalizing symptoms such as depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or elements of the social environmen

Wright, K. M.
Foran, H. M.
Wood, M. D.
Eckford, R. D.
McGurk, D.

Adolescent Well-Being in Washington State Military Families

In this cross-sectional, cohort study, researchers examined associations between parental military service and adolescent well-being (as measured by quality of life, depressed mood, and thoughts of suicide) using data from the 2008 Washington State Healthy Youth Survey.

Reed, S. C.
Bell, J. F.
Edwards, T. C.