Combat-Injured Service Members and Their Families: The Relationship of Child Distress and Spouse-Perceived Family Distress and Disruption

Combat-related injuries can have a significant impact, not only on Service members, but also on their families and children. The relationships between family pre-deployment distress, child post-injury distress, Service member injury severity, and family post-injury disruption were examined.

Cozza, S. J.
Guimond, J. M.
McKibben, J. B. A.
Chun, R. S.
Arata-Maiers, T. L.
Schneider, B.
Maiers, A.
Fullerton, C. S.
Ursano, R. J.

Civic Engagement and Sense of Community in the Military

Belonging to a community is often an important part of an individual or family’s well-being and a key source of social support. Relationships between Active Duty Air Force members’ perceptions of community variables (e.g., participation, connection) were examined.

Bowen, G. L.
Martin, J. A.
Mancini, J. A.
Nelson, J. P.

Children of Deployed National Guard Troops: Perceptions of Parental Deployment to Operation Iraqi Freedom

Children of deployed Service members may face many difficulties and concerns, but little research addresses child deployment perspectives. Children of newly-deployed National Guard Soldiers were interviewed about their perspectives on deployment and frequencies of responses were calculated.

Houston, J. B.
Pfefferbaum, B.
Sherman, M. D.
Melson, A. G.
Jeon-Slaughter, H.
Brand, M. W.
Jarman, Y.