Factors Associated With Physical Aggression Among US Army Soldiers

The stress that accompanies Service member deployment may influence Service members' personal relationships following deployment. The relationship between combat exposure and the perpetration of aggression was examined among 6,128 Service members in the U.S. Army.

Gallaway, M. S.
Fink, D. S.
Millikan, A. M.
Bell, M. R.

Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Development

There were 1,259 Michigan youth who participated in a longitudinal study predicting risk behaviors, job functioning, and educational outcomes at age 25-26 from extracurricular activity involvement in 10th grade.

Eccles, J. S.
Barber, B. L.
Stone, M.
Hunt, J.

Evaluation of a Family-Centered Prevention Intervention for Military Children and Families Facing Wartime Deployments

Evidence-based programs are needed to help military families cope with the stress of deployment. Parent, child, and overall family well-being was compared before and after the Families OverComing Under Stress (FOCUS) program to examine its effect on resilience and psychological health.

Lester, P.
Saltzman, W. R.
Woodward, K.
Glover, D.
Leskin, G. A.
Bursch, B.
Pynoos, R.
Beardslee, W.