
Childhood Trauma Exposure in Iraq and Afghanistan War Era Veterans: Implications for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Adult Functional Social Support

Objective: This study examined the relationship among childhood trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and adult social support in a large sample of veterans who served in the military after 09/11/2001, with a specific focus on the potential role of the PTSD avoidance and numbing

Van Voorhees, E. E.
Dedert, E. A.
Calhoun, P. S.
Brancu, M.
Runnals, J.
Beckham, J. C.
VA Mid-Atlantic MIRECC Workgroup

Smokeless Tobacco Use Related to Military Deployment, Cigarettes and Mental Health Symptoms in a Large, Prospective Cohort Study Among US Service Members

Aims: To characterize smokeless tobacco initiation and persistence in relation to deployment, combat, occupation, smoking and mental health symptoms. Design: Prospective cohort, utilizing self-reported survey data from the Millennium Cohort Study.

Hermes, E. D. A.
Wells, T. S.
Smith, B.
Smith, T. C.
Boyko, E. J.
Gackstetter, G. G.
Miller, S. C.