
Effects of Military Deployment on Cognitive Functioning

Military deployment poses many risks for cognitive functioning. When deployed individuals are compared to a nondeployed control group, there is some evidence that deployment may be associated with declines in cognitive functioning.

Vincent, A. S.
Roebuck-Spencer, T.
Lopez, M. S.
Twillie, D. A.
Logan, B. W.
Grate, S. J.
Friedl, K. E.
Schlegel, R. E.
Gilliland, K.

Effects of Military Deployment on Cognitive Functioning

Active Duty Service members without traumatic brain injuries (TBI) were evaluated before and following deployment to Iraq or Afghanistan to evaluate the possibility of an association between deployment and measurable changes in cognitive functioning.

Vincent, A. S.
Roebuck-Spencer, T.
Lopez, M. S.
Twillie, D. A.
Logan, B. W.
Grate, S. J.
Friedl, K. E.
Schlegel, R. E.
Gilliland, K.