Air Force

Postservice Mortality in Vietnam Veterans: 30-Year Follow-Up

Service records from 9,324 Vietnam and 8,989 non-Vietnam Veterans and several administrative databases were used to compare the post-service mortality of Vietnam to non-Vietnam Veterans through the year 2000.
Boehmer, T.K.C.
McGeehin, M.A.
Boyle, C.
Flanders, W.D.
Barrett, D.H.

Employment Outcomes and PTSD Symptom Severity

Employment and earnings data were used to analyze how symptom severity correlates with work status, occupation type, and earnings among 325 male Vietnam-era Veterans with severe or very severe PTSD. Veterans with more severe PTSD symptoms were more likely to work part-time or not at all.
Smith, M.W.
Schnurr, P.P.
Rosenhack, R.A.

Newly Reported Hypertension after Military Combat Deployment in a Large Population-based Study

36,061 U.S. Service members from all branches of the military were included in a study examining the relationship between combat deployment-induced stress and hypertension. 6% of the deployers with multiple combat exposures reported new hypertension compared to 7% in the general population.
Granado, N.S.
Smith, T.C.
Swanson, M.
Harris, R.B.
Shahar, E.
Smith, B.,
Boyko, E.J.
Wells, T.S.
Ryan, M.A.K.