Evaluating the Needs of Military and Veterans' Families in a Polytrauma Setting
Objective: To examine the perceived importance of needs and the extent to which they are met among a sample of family members in an inpatient polytrauma setting.
Objective: To examine the perceived importance of needs and the extent to which they are met among a sample of family members in an inpatient polytrauma setting.
Caring for a Service member who has experienced polytrauma injuries is often taxing for family members. Family members of military polytrauma patients admitted to a polytrauma rehabilitation center were surveyed regarding their needs and satisfaction with treatment.
Using conservation of resources theory, this study examines the role of resources in the relationship between work-induced family separation and workersintentions to leave their employment and how these relationships vary across ethnic groups.
Family separations can cause strain in military families and may influence Service members' decision to re-enlist or leave the military.
Recent research has shown a relationship between self-disclosure and symptoms of posttraumatic stress in combat veterans.
The amount of positive and negative emotions that Service members share with others following deployment may impact later adjustment and well-being.
War has a profound emotional impact on military personnel and their families, but little is known about how deployment-related stress impacts the occurrence of child maltreatment in military families.
Child maltreatment may be more likely when a family is experiencing significant distress, and military deployment may be one stressor that increases risk for child maltreatment.
Spouses of returning Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom, OIF) and Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom, OEF) military service members report increased depression and anxiety post deployment as they work to reintegrate the family and service member.
Female partners of OEF/OIF Service members participated in a year-long study focused on education, skill-building, and support for Service members.