School Transitions Among Military Adolescents: A Qualitative Study of Stress and Coping
Qualitative data from students, parents, and school staff were used to examine transition-related stressors experienced by mobile military students (i.e., those who experience multiple military-related moves), the efforts utilized to help these students cope with stress, and to identify strategie
School Personnel's Perceptions of Family-School Communication: A Qualitative Study
Family involvement contributes to student success, and family-school communication (FSC) is intended to promote parent involvement; however, little is known about the communication processes that enlist that involvement.
School Personnel's Perceptions of Family-School Communication: A Qualitative Study
This qualitative study used an ecological framework to explore educator perceptions of family-school communication at two elementary schools serving U.S. Military families.
Responding to the Needs of Military Students and Military-connected Schools: Perceptions and Actions of School Administrators
Military children experience a variety of military-specific stressors. Stressors include repeated geographic relocation and parental separation, both of which can negatively affect social, emotional, psychological, and academic outcomes.
Responding to the Needs of Military Students and Military-connected Schools: Perceptions and Actions of School Administrators
School administrators from the Building Capacity Consortium schools (140 schools dedicated to developing military friendly school environments) were surveyed to uncover how they understand the needs of military connected students and actions their school takes to address those needs.
Relational Turbulence and the Post-Deployment Transition: Self, Partner, and Relationship Focused Turbulence
This study applied the relational turbulence model to the communication of U.S. service members and at-home partners following the return from a tour of duty by evaluating three turbulence markers: (a) relational maintenance, (b) partner responsiveness, and (c) turmoil appraisals.
Relational Turbulence and the Post-Deployment Transition: Self, Partner, and Relationship Focused Turbulence
Researchers examined how the relational turbulence model applied to post-deployment couple reunions.
Relational Maintenance During Military Deployment: Perspectives of Wives of Deployed US Soldiers
Deployment-based separations, during which military spouses' communication is limited and their uncertainty heightened, present numerous challenges to spouses' enactment of relational maintenance.
Relational Maintenance During Military Deployment: Perspectives of Wives of Deployed US Soldiers
The author of this article conducted interviews with civilian wives of military Service members in order to illustrate the ways in which partners maintain their relationships during deployment and what factors affect relationship maintenance.