
The Role of Resilience and Social Support in Predicting Postdeployment Adjustment in Otherwise Healthy Navy Personnel

The purpose of this study was to determine if resilience, social support, and exposure to combat, stressful deployment environments, and additional stressful life events predicted short-term (12 months or less) postdeployment adjustment in a relatively healthy subset of Navy service members.

Cunningham, C. A.
Weber, B. A.
Roberts, B. L.
Hejmanowski, T. S.
Griffin, W. D.
Lutz, B. J.

2012 Survey of Active Duty Spouses

• Survey Population – The target population for the 2012 Survey of Active Duty Spouses (2012 ADSS) consisted of spouses of active duty members of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force, excluding spouses of National Guard and Reserve members, who (1) have at least six months of service and (

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