
Variables Associated with Intimate Partner Violence in a Deploying Military Sample.

Variables associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) were examined within a sample of military personnel preparing to deploy.Soldiers with intimate relationships processed for mobilization through Fort Bliss, Texas, completed a questionnaire that queried demographic information, relationship

Fonseca, C. A.
Schmaling, K. B.
Stoever, C.
Gutierrez, C.
Blume, A. W.
Russell, M. L.

Variables Associated with Intimate Partner Violence in a Deploying Military Sample.

Factors associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) among deploying Soldiers were examined. Soldiers in intimate relationships completed a survey which asked questions about relationship satisfaction, stress, risky alcohol use, and tactics used during intimate relationship conflict.

Fonseca, C. A.
Schmaling, K. B.
Stoever, C.
Gutierrez, C.
Blume, A. W.
Russell, M. L.