Active Component

Postdeployment Domestic Violence by US Army Soldiers

The objective of this study was to determine whether a military deployment of 6 months predicted domestic violence against the wives of deployed and nondeployed soldiers during the postdeployment period.

Newby, J. H.
Ursano, R. J.
McCarroll, J. E.
Liu, X.
Fullerton, C. S.
Norwood, A. E.

Postdeployment Domestic Violence by US Army Soldiers

Deployments can have significant effects on levels of stress and family dynamics. Researchers analyzed the relationship between deployment and domestic violence in this study. Data indicated age was related to the likelihood of wives experiencing domestic violence, but deployment was not.

Newby, J. H.
Ursano, R. J.
McCarroll, J. E.
Liu, X.
Fullerton, C. S.
Norwood, A. E.